The Creative Muse. The story of a voiceover artist and far more…

By Keith Brunson


Let me introduce you to “The Creative Muse.” She’s Sheryl Bernstein, and she IS an original. Trained and still active in voiceover, Sheryl is a believer, teacher, and certified coach in the law of attraction. For the uninitiated, that’s neuro-linguistic programming. And you recognize it if you’re mainstream as Tony Robbins. But the NLP movement is Not new. It’s been around thirty years before author Rhonda Bryne made the 2006 movie “The Secret.” It was made for $3.5 million, the film grossed $65 million, and that was 16 years ago. So, what was the big deal with this “secret?”

Rooted in the basic philosophy that you can be, do or have ANYTHING, my first experience with NLP was reading Napoleon Hill’s book “Think and Grow Rich.” Thereafter came Earl Nightingale with “The Strangest Secret in the World.” Mind focus and goal setting are the regiments of NLP, and it’s been going on for a very long time, yet it continues to be repackaged, rebuilt, and reprocessed. You’ve no doubt come across it in some form or another, whether it has been in the last month or many years ago. It teaches people how to have the life they want and to achieve that by not just thinking positively but by being enriched with the promise of the future by virtue of your mind. “I’m happy to be alive,” says Sheryl. “I can’t wait for tomorrow.”

Sheryl is an instructor and teacher of this mindset and believes that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. “Practicing the law of attraction is not just a way of thinking; it’s a way of being,” says Sheryl. “You can create anything you want, but you have to know how to apply the law.”

Sheryl Bernstein, “The Creative Muse,” is a teacher, coach, and voice-over actor.

This metaphysical concept is just part of what makes up the voiceover artist, author, and teacher who IS Sheryl Bernstein. “There’s a lot more to me than that,” says Sheryl. And much of her past encompasses doing not just voice work but standup comedy, mentoring, writing, and all things of which are creative. But if you love the world of creativity, part of that world does, in fact, include the world of taking a page and making it come to life with your voice using a microphone. And Sheryl’s been doing for so Very long; there’s no reason to create an accurate chronology because Bernstein does live in the world “Of Possibilities.”

Thinking “positive” and believing that there is nothing more to success than that; has its’ critics. But Zig Ziglar, a popular yesteryear positive thinking guru, once spoke of it as originating in the late 19th century though its’ technically been around for hundreds of years. Sheryl still advocates the law of attraction and sincerely believes “you attract what you are.”  So as this applies to Sheryl, she always wanted to become successful at the profession of presentation. That includes all things thought of as some form of show business nowadays. And because succeeding in the business of show is so exceedingly difficult, Sheryl has a permanent place on the positive thinking landscape. Although it was my Professor, John Carr from the University of Tennessee, who once said, “it would be easier to become a cardiologist than to get anywhere in broadcasting, movie-making or writing books.” John went on to say, “Those who can’t Do, TEACH, which is why I am here,” said the Professor, “Those who can’t Do, Teach.” (John Carr/1980) RIP.

The Professor may have felt he was right when he delivered that banter to me in 1977, but I believe in the power of possibilities myself. If you can “hold it in here (pointing to my head), I feel you can have it here. (gesturing to my clasped hand).” But I didn’t write that. Well-known Canadian self-help author Bob Proctor did. And Bob is still lecturing at 87. Bob is still living in the world of possibilities. And so is Sheryl. But both Sheryl and Bob, Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale, and Esther Hicks all believe that if you think about it long enough, whatever it is you really want, you can manifest it into reality.

Sheryl helps others tap into the power of possibilities by offering coaching services.

If all of this is a little too “groovy” for you, then check the fruit on the tree. All these philosophers have one thing in common. They believe in creating your destiny, and you do it with your thoughts. And for the big dreamer who wants to be a voice in cartoons or the voice of an audiobook, you NEED strong support. It is no less different or complex than becoming a cardiologist, which is guaranteed if you interact collegially for (12) years following undergraduate. But the truth is, working in the voiceover business, in film making, in any form of creativity is a difficult science to master, but that’s one aspect of what The Voice Shop teaches.

 The Voice Shop, located in NYC, is where anyone can attend remotely or in-class and learn if they have the right stuff to become a voiceover talent. The curriculum is multi-layered from beginner to expert, and the fundamental reason it exists is to help talented people become who they want to be. The school is comprised of expert teachers who focus on your goals while you focus on their instruction. It’s a unique place of education that allows talented people to learn first-hand if they have the right stuff to succeed. It is not for everyone, but neither is a career as a heart surgeon. In fact, Sheryl herself, although not referring to The Voice Shop, explains it this way: “It’s all about mindset. It’s about a unique set of features to be confident.”

Voice coach Mike George guiding voice acting students at The Voice Shop in New York City.

So, if you have a unique dream that involves acting, singing, performing of any kind, you need to find your teacher, and you begin your journey with education with someone like Sheryl Bernstein or The Voice Shop itself. “It’s so easy to live in inspired action,” says Sheryl. “I’m a very happy person with students from England to Arizona.”  And if this resonates with you, consider this work as Your career. And in doing so, you’ll have an ah-ha moment that clicks. It may click to you. It may click away. And in doing so, as Sheryl puts it, “you can get out of your way.” Translation? You can find out if the thought in your head right now is a dream or a future reality. And that’s attractive.