What Is Vodcasting And How It Benefits Businesses

By: Nate Myers


"I'll believe it when I see it," the common phrase goes. A feat that's impossible to overcome with a podcast. Because podcasts are audio-only, they cannot SHOW or illustrate the point to the listener—however, vodcasting can. 

Vodcasting, also known as vlogging or video podcasting, is the next step beyond podcasts, and they have cemented themselves in many daily and weekly routines. Whether the content is informative, entertaining, inspiring, or educational, people have favorite shows to follow or check up on from time to time.

Vodcasts can be subscribed to and downloaded to a mobile phone the same way a podcast can. Users can choose when and where to view it, allowing them more convenience than regularly scheduled television programs.

 Vodcast examples and vodcasting services from Creative Media Design.


 Why Would a Business Vodcast?

The primary benefit is that it steps up the amount of digital content your business has online. A company must often pay for even 30 seconds of someone's time. A vodcast can be as short or as long as content allows. Businesses with a complex product or service will appreciate having more time to tell their story. More exposure to explain the "why" behind their message.

Vodcasts can also be sliced and used as social media content. Video content is most engaging on all social media platforms. The addition of video, reels, and stories to popular platforms like Facebook and Instagram are a testament to that reality. Taking it even further, Tik Tok, one of the fastest-growing social platforms, is 100% video. Having a vodcast gives you the building blocks you need for increased presence, exposure, and success on all social media platforms.

Vodcasting also puts your business on platforms people spend the most time on, like the Apple Podcasts app, YouTube, etc. If your vodcast is relevant content to these consumers, they will come across your vodcast through organic exposure or exploration. On top of that, people on these platforms come to spend more than a couple of minutes. If the content is good enough, they will come and stay!

 The Voice Choice is a new vodcast series produced by Creative Media Design.


 What Are the Challenges?

As mentioned, if the content is good, it will succeed. But businesses struggle to get to that point. The critical point here is RELEVANCE. Your vodcast needs to deliver on one of the primary motivators for vodcast consumption. These include learning new things, entertainment, keeping up to date, relaxation, or inspiration. Many businesses succeed because of incredible products, ideas, or developments. That doesn't mean that the average person will care about those things, and there can be a disconnect there.

The work to be done is to identify adjacent but still relevant content. For example, if your company sells musical instruments, the content should be related to what people want to DO with those instruments, not the instruments themselves. This approach will help your brand connect with people who benefit from the content, who will be more likely to consider your company for their next purchase. Delivering value, education, etc., is what puts your brand in good standing with them. It's a longer-term investment than your typical bottom-funnel advertising. But the possible benefits far outweigh any cons IF you can create good enough content.

Other challenges companies encounter are more physical in nature. Where will we record? What will we record? Who will we record? What will we use to record? Camera? Microphone? These are the common obstacles to getting started. Creative Media Design (CMD) can help if there isn't a clear path forward.

We provide exceptional vodcast and studio services for all kinds of companies looking to tell a story. We offer ISDN, Source Connect, and Phone Patch capabilities for remote guests or stars. Cleanup, editing, mixing, we can manage that too. We also have accommodations for video or photo shoots and package deals for ongoing shows. On top of that, we can help identify the right person to narrate your vodcast. Naturally, this isn't easy to entrust your company with, but we're here to make it easy and provide a plentitude of options.

If you're interested in learning more about CMD's vodcasting services, email us at info@cmdnyc.com.